IoT-Utilities App (ArubaOS/Aruba Instant 8.7.x.x)

Table of contents

This example shows the configuration to setup an Aruba IoT demo using the IoT-Utilities app using ArubaOS/Aruba Instant version 8.7.x.x.

  • ip-address - has to be replaced with the IP address of the mobile device the IoT-Utilities app is running on. The current IP address used by the app is shown in the IoT-Utilties Dashboard - Server control panel status.
  • port - has to be replaced with the apps port number configured in the apps IoT-server settings. The default value is 5443.
  • client-id - optional: should be replaced with a custom client identifier to uniquily identify the connecting Aruba infrasturcture within the IoT-Utilities app.
  • username - has to be replaced with the apps authentication username configured in the apps IoT-server settings
  • password - has to be replaced with the apps authentication password configured in the apps IoT-server settings
  • ap-group - has to be replaced with the AP group name the configuration should be enabled on (multiple statements are required for multiple groups) (ArubaOS only)

The self-signed server certificate or the trusted root CA certificate used by the IoT-Utilities app has to be installed on the Aruba infrastructure for the sercure web socket server connection to be established. The self-signed certificate can be downloaded either via the IoT-Utilties Dashboard - Certificate Control Panel or using the apps web dashboard.
Please see the Aruba CLI Reference - Importing Certificates for details about how to install the downloaded certificate on the Aruba infrastructure.


iot radio-profile "ble-int"
    radio-mode none ble
ap-group <ap-group>
    iot radio-profile "ble-int"
iot transportProfile "IoT-Utilities-App"
    serverType Telemetry-Websocket
    serverURL "wss://<ip-address>:<port>/telemetry"
    authenticationURL "https://<ip-address>:<port>/auth"
    clientId <client-id>
    username <username>
    password <password>
    deviceClassFilter all
    deviceClassFilter wifi-tags
    deviceClassFilter wifi-assoc-sta
    deviceClassFilter wifi-unassoc-sta
    deviceClassFilter serial-data
    deviceClassFilter unclassified
    reportingInterval 30
    rssiReporting last
    include-ap-group <ap-group>
iot useTransportProfile "IoT-Utilities-App"

Aruba Instant

iot radio-profile "ble-int"
 radio-mode ble

iot use-radio-profile "ble-int"

iot transportProfile "IoT-Utilities-App"
 endpointURL "wss://<ip-address>:<port>/telemetry"
 endpointType telemetry-websocket
 authenticationURL "https://<ip-address>:<port>/auth"
 endpointID <client-id>
 username <username>
 password <password>
 payloadContent all
 payloadContent unclassified
 payloadContent serial-data
 payloadContent wifi-tags
 payloadContent wifi-assoc-sta
 payloadContent wifi-unassoc-sta
 transportInterval 30
 ageFilter 30
 rssiReporting last

iot useTransportProfile "IoT-Utilities-App"