IoT transport profile

Table of contents

The iot transportProfile defines the IoT server connectivity settings using the Aruba IoT server interface.

The following table lists the available iot transportProfile parameters and their description:

ArubaOS Aruba Instant Description  
iot transportProfile <transport-profile-name> iot transportProfile <transport-profile-name> Name of the transport profile  
Server connection settings      
serverType <type> endpointType <type> The type of IoT server the transport profile connects to.
Available options are listed in the table Aruba IoT server interface - connection types.
The default type is Meridian-Beacon-Management.
serverURL <URL> endpointURL <URL> IoT server connection URL used to connect to the remote server.
This parameter is not available when Server type is set to Azure-IoTHub.
Valid input values have to start with:
- http(s):// - for server connection type Telemetry-https using HTTP (un-encrypted) or HTTPS(encrypted) connections
- ws(s):// for server connection type Telemetry-Websocket using web socket (ws) or secure web socket (wss) connections
proxy server <ip/fqdn>
[proxy user <username> password <password>]
proxyserver <ip/fqdn> <port> [<username> <password>] Configures an optional proxy server to be used to establish the IoT server connection through. Optional proxy server authentication with username/password is supported.
Available options are:
- ip/fqdn - Proxy server ip address or full qualified domain name
- port - Proxy server port
- username - Proxy authentication username
- password - Proxy authentication password
n/a vlan <vlanid> Configures the uplink VLAN being used for IoT server connectivity. Only supported on Aruba Instant.
Available options:
- vlan id - VLAN id of uplink VLAN
Reporting frequency settings      
reportingInterval <seconds> transportInterval <seconds> Configures the reporting interval (in seconds) for IoT transport services and vendor specific connections that support periodic reporting.
The valid/supported value range depends on the configured serverType/endpointType and is listed in Aruba IoT server interface - connection types.
Authentication/Authorization settings      
authentication-mode <mode> authentication-mode <mode> Configures the OAuth2 authentication mode to be used for the server connection.
Available options are:
- none - Authentication is disabled and a static access token is used for authorization (default)
- password - Authentication using username/password
- client-credentials - Authentication using client_id/client secret
authenticationURL <URL> authenticationURL <URL> Configures the authentication server URL.
This parameter only applies if authentication-mode is set to password or client-credentials.
Only encrypted connections are allowed starting with https://.
accessToken <token> endpointToken <token> Configures the static access token used for authorization.
This parameter is only applicable when authentication-mode is set to none.
Input values:
- token - String, base64 characters only.
clientID <client_id> endpointID <client_id> Client identifier string that is used by the IoT server to identify the connecting Aruba infrastructure.
This parameter only applies if serverType/endpointType is set to Meridian-Asset-Tracking, Telemetry-Https or Telemetry-Websocket.
This parameter is required when authentication-mode is set to client-credentials for OAuth2 client_id/secret authentication.
Input values:
- client_id - string, 1-100 characters
client-secret <password> client-secret <client-secret> Configures the password for Oauth2 client_id/secret authentication.
This parameter is required when authentication-mode is set to client-credentials.
username <username> username <username> Configures the username for username/password authentication.
This parameter only applies if authentication-mode is set to password.
password <password> password <password> Configures the password for username/password authentication.
This parameter only applies if authentication-mode is set to password.
accessID <assa-abloy-access-id> accessID <assa-abloy-access-id> Configures the Assa-Abloy accessID for the vendor specific connection type Assa-Abloy.
This parameter only applies if serverType/endpointType is set to Assa-Abloy.
In addition the configuration of the parameters username and password is required.
azure-dps-auth-type group-enrollment symmetric-key <key> azure-dps-auth-type group-enrollment symmetric-key <key> Configures the authentication type and credentials for the Azure Device Provisioning Service (DPS). Currently the only supported authentication type is group-enrollment using a symmetric-key.
Available options are:
- key - Azure symmetric group key.
Requires the configuration of parameter azure-dps-id-scope.
This parameter only applies if serverType/endpointType is set to Azure-IoTHub.
azure-dps-id-scope <scope-id> azure-dps-id-scope <scope-id> Configures the Azure Device Provisioning Service (DPS) enrollment group scope-id.
Available options are:
- scope-id - Azure DPS enrollment group scope-id.
Requires the configuration of parameter azure-dps-auth-type.
This parameter only applies if serverType/endpointType is set to Azure-IoTHub.
Device filter settings      
deviceClassFilter <device-class> payloadContent <device-class> Configures a list of supported device classes to be included in telemetry reports or data forwarding to the remote IoT server. For details see Device Class Filter.
A maximum of 16 devices classes can be enabled per iot transport profile.
Wi-Fi specific settings      
rtlsDestMAC <MAC-address> rtlsDestMAC <MAC-address> Sets the destination MAC address filter for RTLS tags device class.
This parameter only applies if serverType/endpointType is set to Telemetry-Websocket and the deviceClassFilter wifi-tag is selected to enable the Wi-Fi RTLS data forwarding transport service.
ZigBee specific settings      
ZSDFilter <zigbee-socket-device-profile>
ZSDFilter <zigbee-socket-device-profile>
ZSDFilter <zigbee-socket-device-profile>,...,<zigbee-socket-device-profile> Assigns a list of zigbee-device-socket-profiles to filter the allowed zigbee socket devices (ZigBee applications) forwarded by the transport profile.
This parameter only applies if serverType/endpointType is set to Telemetry-Websocket and the deviceClassFilter zsd is selected to enable the ZigBee socket device transport service.
General data content filter settings      
data-filter <data-id-list> data-filter <data-id-list> Configures a list of data points to filter from periodic telemetry reports before sending to the remote IoT server. The data fields refer to the field numbers in the Aruba IoT Protobuf Specification.
This parameter only applies to IoT transport services that support periodic reporting.
deviceCountOnly deviceCountOnly Enables to send only the aggregated device type counts per configured device class.
This parameter only applies to IoT transport services that support periodic reporting.
BLE data content filter settings  
These parameters only apply to BLE related device classes and transport services and if serverType/endpointType is set to Telemetry-Https, Telemetry-Websocket or Azure-IoTHub
rssiReporting <format> rssiReporting <format> Set the preferred RSSI format BLE telemetry reporting.
Available options are:
- average - RSSI averaged over the reporting period (default)
- bulk - Last 20 RSSI values seen by the device since the previous reporting interval
- last - Last RSSI value seen by the device
- max - Maximum RSSI measured over the reporting period
- smooth - Smoothed RSSI measured over the reporting period
environmentType <type> environmentType <type> Set the working environment type for RSSI based BLE distance calculation..
Available options are:
- auditorium - Auditorium environment
- custom - Custom environment, set custom fading factor using customFadingFactor
- office - Office environment (default)
- outdoor - Outdoor environment
- shipboard - Shipboard environment
- warehouse - Warehouse environment
customFadingFactor <factor> customFadingFactor <factor> This parameter sets a custom fading factor the BLE distance calculation.
This parameter only applies if environmentType is set to custom.
Input values:
Range: 10-40
cellSizeFilter <cellsize> cellSizeFilter <cellsize> Sets a proximity filter specified in meters. Devices outside the cell will not be reported.
Setting to 0 disables the cell size filter.
- Aruba Instant: 0 to 255 m
- ArubaOS: 2 to 100 m
Default: 0
movementFilter <threshold> movementFilter <threshold> Filters devices that do not change distance. Specified in meters.
Applicable only if a cellSizeFilter is set.
Setting to 0 disables the movement filter.
- Aruba Instant: 0 to 255 m
- ArubaOS: 2 to 30 m m
Default: 0
ageFilter <timeout> ageFilter <timeout> Sets a timeout for inactive devices. Devices without activity in the specified time frame will not be reported.
Setting to 0 disables the ageFilter filter.
Range: 30 to 3600 seconds
Default: 0
vendorFilter <vendor-list> vendorFilter <vendor-list> Specifies a list of Bluetooth SIG vendor IDs or vendor names. Only devices that match the configured Vendor ID or Vendor Name will be reported.
Input value:
- vendor-list - max 5 vendor IDs or vendor names, example: “0x011B,0x004C,Google”
uuidFilter <uuid-list> uuidFilter <uuid-list> Specifies a list of iBeacon UUIDs to filter devices included in the reports.
This parameter only applies if the deviceClassFilter is set to ibeacon.
Input value:
- uuid-list - max 10 UUIDs, example: “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx,yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy”
uidNamespaceFilter <uid-list> uidNamespaceFilter <uid-list> Specifies a list of Eddystone-UID namespaces to filter devices included in the reports.
This parameter only applies if the deviceClassFilter is set to eddystone.
Input value:
- uid-list - max 10 UUIDs, example: “707cc5b4983477cb3e77,707cc5b49883477cb3e7”
urlFilter <url-list> urlFilter <url-list> Specifies a list of Eddystone-URL strings to filter devices included in the reports.
This parameter only applies if the deviceClassFilter is set to eddystone.
Input value:
- url-list - max 10 URLs, partial URL strings are allowed, example: “,”
bleDataForwarding bleDataForwarding Enable BLE data forwarding for all known BLE device classes.
Default: disabled
perFrameFiltering perFrameFiltering Enables per frame BLE data filtering. If this option is enabled the transport profile filters are applied to each BLE frame rather than on the BLE device as a whole.
This parameter only applies if bleDataForwarding is enabled.
Default: disabled
AP-group assignment      
include-ap-group <ap-group> n/a Applies one ore multiple AP groups to the transport profile.
Only supported on ArubaOS.
Required input values:
- ap-group - AP group name

Additional CLI parameters:

  • clone - Copy data from another iot transport profile (ArubaOS only)
  • no - Delete a command from the profile

An iot transportProfile is enabled using the following command:

ArubaOS Aruba Instant
iot useTransportProfile <transport-profile-name> iot useTransportProfile <transport-profile-name>

Multiple transport profiles can be configured, but a maximum of 4 transport profiles can be enabled per access point (Aruba Instant) or access point group (ArubaOS).