AP USB device management

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AP USB device management controls connected USB devices using USB profiles and USB ACL profiles. An USB ACL profile is assigned to an AP or AP group using an USB profile.

USB ACL profile

An USB ACL profile consists of one or more permit/deny rules for supported USB vendor-product names. An USB ACL profile includes an implicit deny-all at then end. An USB profile with an undefined USB ACL profile applies a permit-all by default.

Up to 16 USB ACL profiles are supported.

ArubaOS Aruba Instant Description
ap usb-acl-prof <usb-acl-profile-name> usb acl-profile <usb-acl-profile-name> Name of the USB ACL profile
rule vendor <vendor-name> action <permit/deny> rule <vendor-name> <permit/dena> Configure an ACL rule for a supported USB vendor-name.
Available options are:
- vendor-name - USB vendor name, All allows all supported vendors

Available action value to perform if the vendor-name matches.
Available options are:
- deny - Access to USB device is denied
- permit - Access to USB device is refused

The show usb supported vendor-product command lists the supported USB vendor-names on Aruba Instant APs.

USB profile

An USB profile binds a specific USB ACL profile ton an AP or AP group.

ArubaOS Aruba Instant Description
ap usb-profile <usb-profile-name> usb profile <usb-profile-name> Name of the USB profile
usb-acl-profile <usb-acl-profile-name> usb-acl <usb-acl-profile-name> Assigns an previously defined USB profile to the USB profile.
Available options are:
- usb-acl-profile-name - Name of the USB ACL profile

An USB profile is bound to an AP or AP group using the following commands:


ap-group <ap-group-name>
    usb-profile <usb-profile-name>

For details about the ap-group configuration refer to the ArubaOS CLI Reference - ap-group.

Aruba Instant

usb-profile-binding <usb-profile-name>

For details about the usb-profile-binding configuration refer to the Aruba CLI Reference - USB profile binding.



ap usb-acl-prof "UsbAclProf1"
    rule vendor All action permit
ap usb-profile "UsbProf1"
    usb-acl-profile "UsbAclPro1"
ap-group "ApGroup1"
    usb-profile "UsbProf1"

Aruba Instant

usb acl-profile "UsbAclProf1"
 rule  All  permit
usb profile "UsbProf1"
 usb-acl "UsbAclProf1"
usb-profile-binding "UsbProf1"