Azure IoT Hub (serial-data)

Table of contents

This example shows the required configuration to enable serial-data forwarding to Azure IoT Hub.

  • scope-id - has to be replaced with Azure DPS enrollment group scope-id
  • key - has to be replaces with Azure symmetric group key
  • ap-group - has to be replaced with the AP group name the configuration should be enabled on (multiple statements are required for multiple groups) (ArubaOS only)

bleDataForwarding is enabled by default for server type Azure-IoTHub and cannot be disabled. But only enabling payloadContent serial-data effectively disables all BLE device classes and therefore no BLE data is forwarded.


iot transportProfile "Azure-IoT-Hub-serial-data"
    serverType Azure-IoTHub
    payloadContent serial-data
    azure-dps-id-scope <scope-id>
    azure-dps-auth-type group-enrollment symmetric-key <key>
    include-ap-group <ap-group>
iot useTransportProfile "Azure-IoT-Hub-serial-data"

Aruba Instant

iot transportProfile "Azure-IoT-Hub-serial-data"
 endpointType Azure-IoTHub
 payloadContent serial-data
 azure-dps-id-scope <scope-id>
 azure-dps-auth-type group-enrollment symmetric-key <key>
iot useTransportProfile "Azure-IoT-Hub-serial-data"