Bluetooth settings

BLE scanning

Scan mode

Tap this preference to change the current scan mode
Available modes:

  • Low power - Consumes least amount of battery, delivers least amount of data
  • Balanced - Balanced battery usage and data delivery
  • Low latency - Consumes highest amount of battery, delivers highest amount of data

BLE advertising

Keep advertising alive

  • If this feature is enabled, the app will keep advertising in the background if you close the app
  • If this feature is disabled, all advertisements will be stopped if you are about to close the app

BLE testing

Keep testing alive

  • If this feature is enabled, the app will keep the test running in the backgroud if you close the app
  • If this feature is disabled, the app will stop testing if you are about to close the app

Note: The server also has to run in the backgroud as this feature depends on it. This feature requires “Keep server alive” as well as “Keep advertising alive” to run in the background with the app closed.